October 14, 2008

Fall Fashion Day 3: Layers

One of the keys to interesting layering is layering pieces of different lengths. For example, put the longest sleeve layer on the bottom and wear a three quarter sleeve and/or a short sleeve on top. Or layer a top over a dress, or even a shorter dress over a longer dress. Or layer two jackets. Try thinking outside the box and layer three pieces instead of just two.

I love this look. Layering a cardigan over a sweater vest...brilliant!

Notice the three quarter sleeve layered
over the long sleeve.

Thinking outside the box, layering dresses. Love it!

Looking back...here are a couple pics of me layering different lengths.

Alright, ladies, happy layering! If you're into math, you know that the number of possible combinations is far greater than the number of individual pieces. You just increased your wardrobe exponentially without spending a dime. :) Don't forget to have fun with it!

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